News Archive
ICrA Autumn Study Day - 5th October 2024
The guest speaker is Lin Bridgeford DO FSCCO ICAK(UK) MSc..
Topic: Learn the basics of Applied Kinesiology (AK) muscle testing and how to apply it to cranial treatment for more accuracy.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is BCOM, 6 Netherhall Gardens, London NW3 5RR. Attendance Certificates will be issued: 6 hours CPD.
Course fee: £85 for ICRA members; £120 for non-members
Lunch is provided. Please let us know about any dietary requirements when you complete the online booking form.
About Lin
AK is a diagnostic tool that can be applied to many forms of treatment and assessment, as well as checking the efficacy of the treatment applied. It is an excellent way of having a dialogue with the body. It is an art and a science and needs to be performed accurately for accurate results. Patients often experience it as a kind of magic!
Lin's teaching method is interactive, hands on, empowering and with an element of fun. You will come away with tools to apply to your practice on day 1, with an understanding of how to apply AK muscle testing to your cranial treatments. Lin is passionate about finding the cause of the cause of the cause of problems with her patients and AK is an integral part of this, together with her understanding and experience of the cranial mechanism, visceral manipulation, osteopathy, and a lifetime of dealing with bodies.
Lin has been working with Applied Kinesiology since Dr. Sheldon Deal first taught in Holland in 1982. She continues to study various aspects of Kinesiology and focuses mostly on its application to physical treatment and for functional biochemistry testing. She was accredited as a member of the International College of Applied Kinesiology ICAK (UK) in 2000. Lin qualified as an Osteopath in 1986, completing her Masters in 2007. She completed all the cranial and visceral courses with the Upledger Institute circa 2001 and all the courses with Sutherland Cranial College to become a Fellow of the SCCO circa 2007. She was accredited as a full member of ICRA when giving a talk on fascial listening at the Conference in Germany circa 2000.
Lin teaches Yoga and Pranayama breathing, and works with Sound Therapy (Gongs, Tuning Forks, and Healing with the Voice) as well as NLP, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, with qualifications to teach these modalities. In a previous life she taught dance and worked in IT. She lives in Saltdean, Brighton with 2 cats and has a home clinic with a wonderful sea view to inspire her practice. Once a week she practices in Horam, East Sussex.
ICrA Spring Study Day - 27th April 2024
The guest speaker is Mary Bolingbroke DO, BSc.
Topic: Working with Ancestral and Collective Trauma
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is BCOM, 6 Netherhall Gardens, London NW3 5RR. Attendance Certificates will be issued: 6 hours CPD.
Course fee: £85 for ICRA members; £120 for non-members
Lunch is provided. Please let us know about any dietary requirements when you complete the online booking form.
Click here for more information
About Mary
I came to osteopathy when my Granny's arthritic knee flared up bringing her life of independence to a standstill. At a local Education Advice Centre I asked about massage courses, thinking that may help Granny's knee. An insightful woman there said, 'Learn osteopathy, if you don't like it, after a term you will have learned enough to be a masseur, but if you do like it you will have a career for life', off I went to the British School of Osteopathy and sure enough she was right, before the year was out, I was hooked, graduating as an osteopath in 1992.
My post graduate training began when I started work at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London and it was there that I experienced first hand how incredibly effective craniosacral osteopathy can be. Inspired, I went on to study with the Sutherland Society and later with Dr Jim Jealous in the UK and USA.
In 1997 I began teaching osteopathy in the U.K and in Ireland at the Daisy Clinic Trust, an osteopathic paediatric training centre. Since then, I have also continued to deepen my understanding of this fascinating subject by studying with leading teachers in Europe and the USA and working with animals.
I love osteopathy because every patient has a different story and every story is as interesting and intriguing as the last. Being a part of the healing journey that is woven into that story is quite a privilege.
ICrA Seminar on 3rd February 2024
There will be an ICrA seminar on 'Our Special Senses - how can we protect them?' from 10am to 12pm on Saturday 3rd February over Zoom. Participation in the seminars is free to all ICrA members. Handouts and attendance certificates will be issued. Please let Carole know you wish to attend on
A synopsis of the talk is: What are the special senses? Other senses and the role of fascia. The cranial nerves of the special senses. The sense of hearing, balance and equilibrium. The physiology of balance. Age related hearing loss. How to reduce hearing and balance loss. Inner ear diseases. How to protect the sense of balance. Sight and the role of the retina. Protecting retinal receptors. Age related macular degeneration and the Charles Bonnet Syndrome. The importance of eye exercises. How to protect special sense receptors. The use of cranial techniques. Can cranial therapy support the special senses?
CPD Seminar: 'Dementia - avoiding or delaying the onset and can cranial therapy have a role?' - 4th November 2023
10am - 12pm over Zoom
Facilitator: Brian Isbell
The ICrA offers seminars (2 hours learning with others) for members over Zoom. Participation in these seminars is free for ICrA members.
Synopsis of seminar: What is dementia and associated symptoms. The diagnosis, occurrence and factors that increase the risk. Types of dementia including: reversible, Alzheimer’s, vascular, and Lewy bodies. The potential role of β-amyloid protein in Alzheimer's. The hazard of insulin sensitivity. Therapeutic approaches including: dietary, the importance of sleep, antioxidants, B vitamins, curcumin and zinc. Ultra-processed foods and dementia. The use of herbal medicines and physical & mental exercise. A general discussion on cranial therapy - does it have a role in the delaying or avoiding the onset of dementia?
Brian Isbell, BSc, PhD, DO completed a BSc in Chemistry with London University and a PhD in Biophysics with the Medical Research Council and taught biomedical sciences in medical schools and colleges for over 25 years. In 1993 he completed his training in osteopathy and naturopathy. For 20 years Brian was a Head of a university department, where he managed the largest scheme of degrees in Complementary Medicine in Europe. Brian has carried out clinical research and published over 30 papers on topics including the evaluation of effectiveness of complementary therapies and developing educational provision in complementary medicine. For over 25 years he practiced as a craniosacral therapist and osteopath in the NHS, private practice and a university teaching clinic.
ICrA Autumn Study Day / AGM - 24th September 2023
The guest speaker is Caroline Stone D.O, (Hons), Msc(OST),MEd, MclinEd.
Topic: Headaches, Migraines, Dental-facial Pain
About Caroline:
- Caroline has been in practice for over 30 years in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Crete
- She is an international lecturer on visceral and osteopathic medicine topics, and an author of books and various published articles
- She is a researcher into visceral and paediatric osteopathy, competence and assessment of osteopathy and a keen promotor of non muscular skeletal pain management: Exploring how manual approaches engage with physiology and tissue tensions interact with health dynamics.
ICrA Spring Study Day - 15th April 2023
The guest speaker is Katherine Uljeka.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR.
LUNCH PROVIDED. Please let us know any dietary requirements.
ICrA Study Day and AGM - 19th November 2022
'Uses of Potency'
The guest speaker is Peter Armitage D.O, DPO,MSCC.
Peter has been in practice for over 30 years. As well as running a busy practice, he has dedicated a lot of time to teaching and publishing books. He was a consultant at the osteopathic centre for children for 10 years. He is a member of the faculty at the cranial Sutherland society.
AGM will be held during the lunch break.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR.
LUNCH PROVIDED. Please let us know any dietary requirements.
ICrA Study Day - 7th May 2022
'Waking up the body, skills for Dissociation'
The course presenter is Steve Haines.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners.
LUNCH PROVIDED. Please let us know any dietary requirements.
A date for your diary: 10am-12pm on Saturday 12th February 2022
The ICrA offers seminars (2 hours learning with others) for members over Zoom. Participation in these seminars is free for ICrA members but £50 to nonmembers. The next CPD Seminar in the series will be:
"Sleep - how can we maximise the quality and quantity?"
From 10am - 12pm on Saturday 12th February 2022 over Zoom
Facilitator: Brian Isbell
Please email Carole Smith on to confirm you wish to attend.
Synopsis of talk: How to assess sleep quantity and quality. The characteristics of healthy sleep. A hypnogram of a healthy sleep cycle. Variations in sleep requirements. The importance of growth hormone secretions. Types of insomnia. Natural sleep promoting methods including: exercise, nocturnal glucose level management, progressive relaxation, melatonin, tryptophan and essential oils. Herbal medicines and supplements that support sleep. Improving sleep when it is too hot. Methods to improve sleep hygiene. The use of cranial therapy to support sleep (a general discussion).
The first meeting of the ICrA Supervision group : 10am - 12pm on Saturday 30th January
Following the discussion at the November ICrA seminar, it has been agreed that a facilitated supervision group will be established. Three meetings are currently planned for 2021 (10am - 12pm on 30th January, 22nd May and 2nd October 2021). The first meeting, which will be held over Zoom, will include confirming the 'ground rules' and a discussion of 'Empowering the patient and practitioner when working under COVID'. If you are interested in joining the supervision group, please contact Brian Isbell on as soon as possible, as the supervision group will be limited to 12 members. Participation in the group is only open to members.
CNHC November 2020 newsUpdate - Issue 132
There have been a lot of changes to COVID-19 measures in all four UK nations in the past weeks and we have been contacting all our Registrants by email to keep them up to date. We appreciate there is a lot of information to take in, so this issue of our newsUpdate will focus on the latest restrictions on working.
Autumn Workshop and AGM - 14th November 2021
Dancing with the Sphenoid
The course presenter is Tracy Evans RCST, BCST, ABD.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. AGM at 13.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
LUNCH PROVIDED - Please let us know your dietary requirements
The Pineal Gland and Fascia - do they help to explain patient experience of cranial therapy? : 10am - 12pm on Saturday 27th February
A seminar over Zoom facilitated by Brian Isbell.
Please confirm with Carole Smith if you intend to attend
Attendance for members is free.
ICrA CPD Seminars (2 hours learning with others)
During the time the ICrA is unable to hold its workshops we are intending to offer learning opportunities with other members of the Association.
Participation in these seminars is free for ICrA members but £20 to non members. The seminars will be held over Zoom and will include a presentation on the topic by a guest speaker, followed by a question and answer session and an opportunity to share experiences from practice.
The first CPD Seminar in the series will be:
Functional Symptoms and Somatisation: is Cranial Therapy an effective intervention?
From 10am-12pm on Saturday 28th November, over Zoom
Speaker/facilitator: Brian Isbell
Please email Carole Smith on to confirm you wish to attend.
The talk will include: Why does the body experience symptoms that are without any structural cause? The diversity of functional symptoms. An example of a patient case. When do functional symptoms start? Hazards of functional symptoms. Are functional symptoms in the brain? The power of the mind in symptoms. What is somatisation? A comparison of emotional and physical pain. How emotions can be processed. Psychological variables of symptoms. The role of the gut-brain-axis. How to reduce the effect of symptoms. How emotions are treated in Traditional Medical systems. Therapies for treating functional symptoms and somatisation.
Brian Isbell, BSc, PhD, DO completed a BSc in Chemistry with London University and a PhD in Biophysics with the Medical Research Council and taught biomedical sciences in a medical schools and colleges for over 25 years. In 1993 he completed his training in osteopathy and naturopathy. For 20 years Brian was a Head of a university department, where he managed the largest scheme of degrees in Complementary Medicine in Europe. Brian has carried out clinical research and published over 30 papers on topics including the evaluation of effectiveness of complementary therapies and developing educational provision in complementary medicine. For over 25 years he has practiced as a craniosacral therapist and osteopath in the NHS, private practice and a university teaching clinic.
Autumn Workshop - 5th October 2019
The Voice and the Hyoid
The course presenter is Katherine Ukleja.
Katherine has been a practitioner for 35 years and one of a small band of leading international teachers of Craniosacral Therapy for the past 25 years, spreading the biodynamic model across Europe, the US and Australasia. She has a long association with a number of the leading IABT* schools including, Karuna Institute, UK, Da-Sein Institute, Switzerland, Body Intelligence, International and CTET, UK.
The voice reveals our emotions. The sounds of anguish and despair or of triumph and joy are universally understood and compelling. The tone of voice tells us more than the words that are spoken; it is primal, animal – a key component of the Social Nervous System.
In this clinical focus day, we will explore the larynx - the mechanism and psychology of voice production. Can we speak up for ourselves, be heard? Are we silenced by fear or emboldened by rage?
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
DYNAMIC STILLNESS - Biodynamic Cranial Touch Initiatory Course: 29th November - 1st December 2019
Biodynamic Cranial Touch (BCT) 'Stillness Touch' uses simple hands-on contact to restore the body's natural state of wisdom and harmony. Open to anyone called to the transmission offered here, craniosacral practitioners and non-practitioners alike as well as practitioners of somatic, psychotherapeutic, yoga and movement modalities. Most important is your integrity, an openness to let go of what you already know, and a willingness to let yourself be informed by, and touch from stillness. This class has value as a stand-alone as well as being a required prerequisite for the BCT/Stillness Touch Mentor Course.
BCT Stillness Practices focus on practitioner development, trusting the wisdom of the forces that create, maintain, heal, and evolve us, as bodies of consciousness and Love.
Presented by Giorgia Milne.
Venue: Inner Space, Maude Gray Court, St. Benedicts Street, Norwich NR2 4PA
ICrA Update: Study Day 28th April 2018
Thank you Brian and Zara for a very enjoyable and insightful day.
Zara Van Herbert D.O.
Zara's study day programme was on "osteopathy's unique contribution to health"
Brian Isbell BSc, PGCE, PhD, D.O, MBiol.
Brian's presentation on "Fascia - does this tissue provide insight into mechanisms in cranial and musculoskeletal therapies."
Thank you to all who attended.
Spring Study Day - 30th March 2019
Osteopathic Approach to Fluids
The course presenter is Claudia Knox.
Claudia has been a practising osteopath for over 14 years. She was a midwife in Germany before that.
Her passion for seeing health thrive in the people she cares for has motivated her continue developing as a therapist.
She has trained in traditional Chinese medicine while she worked as midwife. Studying osteopathy was the next step in the journey of providing holistic care for women during pregnancy and in preparation for childbirth.
Observing that good births were followed by a happy time post-partum for the mother and the child, led Claudia to become an osteopath full time.
Since qualifying she has been involved in osteopathic education. Her completion of post graduate awards in paediatrics (MSc), women's health (PGD WHO) and paedagogics (PGC ACE) are enhancing her teaching. Her home college is the European School of Osteopathy in the UK but she has taught in most countries in Europe and Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand. Her favourite topics are Paediatrics and Women's health, Clinical Integration and techniques as taught by William Sutherland. Claudia is passionate about osteopathic education and spreading the knowledge of osteopathic principles.
Osteopathic Approach to Fluids
In this one day course we want to explore what determines how the fluids are distributed in the body and how we can have a therapeutic influence on conditions that occur when the fluids suffer stasis. Health prevails where fluid exchange between all body tissues is free and uninterrupted.
Cellular, circulatory and neurological models will be discussed and applied in practical treatment concepts.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £80 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £105 for non-members
Autumn Study Day - 6th October 2018
Our Autumn Study Day will take place on the 6th October 2018.
The course presenter is Viola Sampson BSc RCST BCST
"The overlooked organ: the human microbiome"
Astonishing new discoveries about the communities of microscopic life, found deep within and throughout the human body, have huge ramifications for practitioners in conventional and complementary medicine alike. Disruptions in the human microbiome are now implicated in a multitude of conditions - from digestive disorders to autism, from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, to cancers and even mental health.
This ground-breaking research is transforming the very basis of our understanding of health and disease. Yet just as its huge significance is dawning on us, we are realising the microbiome is becoming dangerously degraded due to poor understanding, standard medical practices, diet and lifestyle choices. It's time to expand our perceptual fields and relate to the human individual as part of a vast, invisible ecological system - continuous with soil, sea and air.
On this study day, we will explore the scale and significance of microscopic life in human health and the overlooked roles of gut microbes in particular. We will look at how birth and how the first years of life affect the microbiome and therefore lifelong health. A practical session will focus on the microbiome-gut-brain axis - including how bacteria shape our moods and behaviours.
Viola Sampson BSc RCST BCST: As a craniosacral therapist with a special interest in gut health, Viola is passionate about this exciting, emerging field, and committed to offering engaging and accessible course content to complementary therapists, while maintaining a strong foundation in medical research. She draws on her background as a research scientist working with bacteria in laboratory settings, as well as her practical workshops on making richly probiotic foods to replenish the microbiome.
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £80 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £105 for non-members
Renewal date for subscriptions
Dear Members,
The renewal date for subscriptions is the 1st February 2018.
Renewal can be done through the International Cranial Association website: Click here to renew
Thank you from the ICrA Committee.
Kind Regards,
Maureen Mulligan
Spring Study Day - 28th April 2018
Our Spring Study Day will take place on the 28th April 2018.
Presenters are:
Course Leader Zara Van Herbert D.O.: "Osteopathy's Unique Contribution to Health"
Charles Bruford D.O. BSc (Hons) Ost: "How to jump start the body back to health"
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is Room L5 in British College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lief House, 3 Sumpter Close, Finchley Road, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £80 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £105 for non-members
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - October 2017
The key snippets this month cover:
- PSB elections - next round has begun
- New CNHC Board members
- New CNHC communications manager
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - September 2017
The key snippets this month cover:
- PSB elections - next round begins
- Nice news on NICE guidelines for Parkinson's Disease
- NICE - get involved
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - August 2017
The key snippets this month cover:
- Accredited Registers' Information Sharing Protocol
- NICE Conflict of Interest Policy consultation
- Skills for Health 'Our Health Heroes Awards 2017'
Message from CNHC regarding registration fees - 31st July 2017
Dear Colleagues,
With effect from Monday 2 October 2017 the registration fee will be £68.00. Anyone completing their online registration up to midnight on Sunday 1 October 2017 will be able to register at the current rate of £65.00. The fee for registration of additional disciplines will remain unchanged at £10 per discipline (to a maximum of four, after which it is free).
The renewal fee will be £68.00. Anyone completing their online registration renewal up to midnight on Sunday 1 October 2017 will be able to renew at the current rate of £65.00. The fee for renewal of additional disciplines will remain unchanged at £5 per discipline (to a maximum of four, after which it is free).
We will be including a notice in our August Newsletter which will go out on Wednesday 2 August.
Please note we will be sending each Verifying Organisation a revised 'Request to Register form' for you to replace the existing form on your website in due course.
Many thanks
Kind regards,
Lisa Walters
Register & Website Manager
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
CNHC Newsletter - July 2017
The newsletter this month covers:
- Business tips
- HMRC guidance
- CNHC participates in NICE Shared Decision-Making Collaborative
- Holistic Business Awards
- CNHC new website goes live
CNHC Newsletter - Update 2 - June 2017
This is the second CNHC Update which follows a request at the November 2016 Verifying Organisations meeting for CNHC to bring together information about what we do to keep complementary healthcare on the health and care agenda.
The newsletter covers:
- CNHC participates in roundtable meetings with NICE Deputy Chief Executive
- CNHC participates in National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Shared Decision-Making Collaborative
- CNHC Chief Executive presents on Accredited Registers at All Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Health
- CNHC registrants speak out for greater role in public health
- CNHC response to Charity Commission consultation
Autumn Study Day/Workshop plus AGM - 30th September 2017
Caroline Stone presents: "The peritoneum and other coelom structures and fluid dynamics"
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is B.C.O.M. Lief Houe 3, Sumpter Close, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Verifying Organisations Meeting - 24 May 2017
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to invite you to the next CNHC meeting with Verifying Organisations. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 24 May 2017 from 1.00pm - 4.00pm.
The meeting will be held in the MacLaren Hall (Room 1.2) at the School of Economic Science,11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ - 5 minute walk from Bond Street tube station. Please click here to view a map:
Please note tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided during a half hour break mid-way through the meeting rather than before the meeting, to allow for networking. The meeting will begin promptly at 1.00pm.
In order for us to plan for the correct number of people we would appreciate you confirming your attendance by no later than Friday 21 April 2017.
An agenda will be provided closer to the time but in the meantime please do let us know if there any items you would like to discuss.
Please note that no expenses can be reclaimed for this event.
Kind regards
Owen Powell
Executive Officer
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Breath of Life Conference
London 13th and 14th May 2017 - BOOK NOW, EARLY BIRD PRICES EXPIRE ON MARCH 15TH!
A landmark international Conference featuring pioneering speakers about Craniosacral Therapy, Osteopathy, trauma work and allied fields. The Conference will explore key factors that organise how we function. Each speaker will talk individually and a panel discussion will complete the weekend.
The conference features:
- Dr. Gabor Maté
- Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
- Robert Lever D.O.
- Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty
- Dr. Rollin McCraty
- Dr. Cherionna Menzam-Sills
- Dr. Gerald Pollack
- Katherine Ukleja D.O.
Cost: £265 if payment is received by March 15th 2017 or £285 if payment received after this date.
The conference will be followed by workshops with:
- Dr. Rollin McCraty on May 15th 2017
- Dr. Bessel van der Kolk on May 16th-17th 2017
- Dr. Gabor Maté on May 18th-19th 2017
- Dr. Stephen Porges on May 20th-21st 2017.
Discounts apply for booking multiple events. Venue: Regent's University, Regents Park, London.
For further details and bookings, please send an email to or go to
ICrA Journal - Issue 1
Issue 1 of the ICrA Journal is now available.
Spring Study Day/Workshop - 25th March 2017
Averille Morgan presents: "Exploring osteopathic approaches with such concepts as Ignition and Transition in case studies related to Conception and Dying"
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is B.C.O.M. Lief Houe 3, Sumpter Close, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £80 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £105 for non-members
Verifying Organisations Meeting - 9 November 2016
Please find in the link below the agenda for the next CNHC meeting with Verifying Organisations. Please note a Briefing Note for the group work will be circulated in advance of the meeting.
The meeting will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 9 November 2016 from 1.00pm - 4.00pm.
The meeting will be held in the MacLaren Hall (Room 1.2) at: 11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ, a 5 minute walk from Bond Street tube station.
Please note tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided during a half hour break mid-way through the meeting rather than before the meeting, to allow for networking. This means the meeting will begin promptly at 1.00pm.
Please remember to collect your name badge on arrival at the venue when you sign in. Your badge will also have your group number on.
If you would like to attend and have not yet confirmed your attendance please confirm by no later than Friday 28 October 2016.
Please note that no expenses can be reclaimed for this meeting.
CNHC Newsletter - September 2016
The newsletter this month covers:
- Camexpo 24-25 September 2016
- Paramedic and advanced nursing practitioner on the CNHC register describes his work
- CNHC Fee increase
- PSB elections
CNHC Newsletter - August 2016
The newsletter this month covers:
- Camexpo 2016
- NICE keeps guidance on complementary therapies for supportive and palliative care in adults
- CNHC Fee increase
- Keith Hunt - Royal Free
- 2016 Rio Olympics
- Random Sampling 2016
Autumn Study Day/Workshop - November 12th 2016
Presented by Renzo Molinari; Topic to be advised
Registration 09:30 for 10.00 to 17.00. Venue is B.C.O.M. Lief Houe 3, Sumpter Close, London NW3 5HR. 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £80 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £105 for non-members
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - May 2016
The key snippets this month cover:
- CNHC Board updates policy on publication of panel decisions
- Updates to CNHC Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance
- CPD Random Sampling 2016
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - April 2016
The key snippets this month cover:
- NICE opens consultation on draft guideline for low back pain and sciatica
- Scottish Government updates guidance on complementary and alternative medicine
- CPD Random Sampling 2016
Click here to download the snippet (375Kb PDF)
Click here to download the newsletter (1.4Mb PDF)
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - March 2016
The key snippets this month cover:
- CNHC PSB elections - next round begins soon
- RCCM seeks new Trustees
- CAMSTRAND 2016: 8 - 9 June 2016
Click here to download the snippet (278Kb PDF)
Click here to download the newsletter (1Mb PDF)
A Bright Farewell to Bill Wright
Dear Salome,
The General Council and Register of Naturopaths would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Bill Wright and his family.
Bill Wright was an accomplished Acupuncturist, Cranial Osteopath and Naturopath.
Should you wish to attend the funeral it will beheld on Friday 11th March at St.Catherine & St.Paul Church, Pauls Lane, Hoddesdon, EN11 8TR at 2:15pm.
Followed by a short committal at Enfield crematorium for immediate family only. After the service there will a reception, with a light buffet, at the Kings Lounge, Royal Chace Hotel, The Ridgeway, EN2 8AR.
Dress code is a Splash of Colour (i.e. no all black). Family flowers only.
Donations welcome - Dementia UK or Age UK.
With best wishes,
The GCRN Executive Council:
Tom Greenfield, president
Clare Badrick, vice-president
Mario Szewiel, secretary and registrar
Executive Council members: Norman Ball, Irving Boxer, Jennifer Harper-Deacon, Kirsten Hartvig, Michelle Matthews, Grant Taylor.
Mr. Bill Wright Founder ICrA
The International Cranial Association would like to extend our sympathy to the family of Mr. Bill Wright.
Bill did so much for the Cranial osteopathy - teaching, founding and maintaining the International Cranial Association and more, and will be fondly remembered by many.
Bill's funeral will be held on Friday 11th March at Hoddesdon.
With deepest sympathy.
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - February 2016
The key snippets this month cover:
- The sad announcement of the death of former CNHC Chair John Lant
- CNHC responds to NICE proposal to remove complementary therapies from supportive and palliative care guidelines
- CNHC PSB elections - next round
Click here to download the snippet (340Kb PDF)
Click here to download the newsletter (1.7Mb PDF)
CNHC Snippets and Newsletter - January 2016
The key snippets this month cover:
- CNHC's new Chair, Michael Watson, sets out his vision for 2016
- NICE proposes removing complementary therapies from guideline - act now!
Click here to download the snippet (406Kb PDF)
Click here to download the newsletter (2.3Mb PDF)
CNHC News December 2015
The key snippets this month cover:
- Government Minister Recommends Accredited Registers
- Accredited Registers Video released
- CNHC at London Health Show
Click here to download the newsletter (327Kb PDF)
Letter: International Cranial Association (ICrA) and CNHC working together - November 2015
Dear ICrA member
You'll be pleased to know that although CNHC and ICrA have quite distinctly different roles, we're working together to ensure standards of practice for Craniosacral Therapists are maintained and improved. The key difference in our roles is that CNHC was established with government support to act in the interests of the public, while ICrA is there to act in your interests and those of the profession, and to provide support and services to you. ICrA encourages its members to register with CNHC and CNHC encourages all of its registrants to be members of a professional association. It really isn't a question of choosing between us.
You're already familiar with the benefits of ICrA membership, so we're taking this opportunity to highlight some of the professional advantages of CNHC registration.
Click here to read the entire letter (385Kb PDF)
Maureen Mulligan, ICA Secretary, will be giving a presentation: Suicide prevention intervention: Promoting health and well-being with young offenders with LD - 2nd February 2016
At the Offenders with Learning Disability Conference
The Centre for Learning Disability Studies at the University of Hertfordshire has collaborated with Health Education Thames Valley and Wessex to deliver this conference as part of the Continuing Professional Development provision.
Presentation to The Wealden Business Group - Bill Ferguson

CNHC News November 2015
The key snippets this month cover:
- How to add another therapy to existing CNHC registration
- E-Magazine for CNHC registrants
- How to make the most of your CNHC registration
- Job and volunteer roles
Click here to download the newsletter (360Kb PDF)
PSB Election Timetable - Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to let you know that the election process for the Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki Profession Specific Boards (PSBs) will begin in October 2015.
PSB members are now elected by registrants in order to give CNHC registered practitioners a direct say in who will act as advisers to CNHC's Board. Any registrant from either Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki is able to stand for election for the relevant PSB, including those who are currently members of the PSB.
The timetable is as follows:
- Friday 9 October 2015: an email will be sent to the CNHC registered practitioners of each discipline setting out the full details and inviting them to stand for election. Candidates are required to set out in no more than 600 words how their background and experience meet our essential criteria using the Election Statement Template provided.
- Friday 30 October 2015: the deadline for receipt of election statements will be 5pm on this date.
- Monday 2 November 2015: election statements will be made available to the CNHC registered practitioners of each discipline in the 'CNHC Resources' section of MyCNHC. All CNHC registered Craniosacral Therapists and Reiki practitioners will be invited to vote electronically via SurveyMonkey.
- Monday 16 November 2015: closing date for voting will be midnight on this date.
- Tuesday 17 November 2015: successful candidates will be notified and results will be published.
We will also be including details in our next newsletter.
Many thanks,
Lisa Walters
Register and Website Manager
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Newsletter from Sunderland Cranial College regarding the advertising of Cranial Osteopathy
Dear Fellows and Members,
The Osteopathic Alliance has requested that anyone who has received heavy handed treatment from the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) or Copy Advice Team (CAP) gets in touch with the Institute of Osteopathy.
Ben Katz writes:
"We (representatives of the Alliance) had a constructive meeting at GOsC (on September 10th) and there will be a meeting with the ASA/CAP in the next couple of weeks to begin to explore next steps. We now urgently need specific examples that demonstrate where the Copy Advice Team have been overstepping their remit. Please ask any colleagues you know who have received written advice from CAP to forward this to the iO at by Monday 14th."
Autumn Study Day/Workshop - 10th October 2015
Michael Kern D.O.,B.S.C.T.,A,B.D.,N.D., Cranial Sacral Therapist,Osteopath and Naturopath, presents
The Living Matrix
Dr. Still wrote, "The soul of man, with all the streams of pure living water, seems to dwell in the fascia of his body." Recent scientific findings show that rather than simply being a connecting and enveloping tissue, fascia is a liquid crystalline matrix' that acts as a communication system for the whole body. Fascia is highly innervated with specialized sensory nerves that relay information to the central nervous system and help regulate body physiology. It also plays a central role in the bio-tensegrity of the body. During this workshop, we will explore the new science of fascia and apply this knowledge with practical Craniosacral approaches on the treatment tables.
Registration 09:00 - 09:30 to 17.00. Venue is B.C.O.M. Lief Houe 3, Sumpter Close, London NW3 5HR, (Underground Finchley Road). 6 hours CPD Certificated, open to all practitioners
Course fee: £65 for ICRA members; £55 for students; £90 for non-members
Seminar: European Parliament Brussels - 29th September 2015
Promoting health and well-being in the young
Partnership action for addressing mental health with histories of harm and the well-being of children and young people in prison. Policies need to ensure a health care sustainable infrastructure.
We need innovative well-being research to strengthen options. Large inequalities exist in the provision of health care for vulnerable young people effected by family injury, cultural deprivation, and trauma. The seminar will aim at collaboration and partnership with EU countries relative to universal evidence based approaches to offer an innovative regime health care sustainable infrastructure.
The object of the seminar includes invitation for collaboration with partners in Horizon 2020 in the multi-disciplinary Integrated Infrastructure in the care of young people.
RCCM conference - 10th September 2015
The Research Council for Complementary Medicine (RCCM) is holding its annual conference at Middlesex University on 10th September.
The theme is 'Demonstrating the value of Integrative Care', where complementary medicine is used alongside conventional care. The conference will explore the evidence base for integration and new initiatives in integrative care provision. Oral and poster presentations are welcomed. For further details, please contact Michelle Holmes at:
CNHC News July 2015
CNHC Chair retires
CNHC Chair John Lant has retired from CNHC's Board following over two years as Chair and more than five years on the Board. Heartfelt thanks have been given to John for his longstanding commitment and contribution to complementary therapy and to CNHC in particular. John is known by many in the sector following his involvement with the work that led to the creation of CNHC. Vice Chair Sheila Inglis has agreed to take on the role of Acting Chair until the end of 2015. CNHC will announce the appointment of its new Chair in due course.
Calling for case studies for Professional Standards Authority Hub
CNHC is working with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) to create an online hub of information for commissioners, employers and referrers of services. The hub will be designed to showcase examples of practitioners on Accredited Registers who are delivering health and care services.
CNHC is looking for examples that can be presented as case studies in the following areas:
Example services: a) You deliver your CNHC registered therapy / discipline within NHS or care services, GP practices, in educational or social service settings or receive referrals in these areas. b) You work with clients in the context of a voluntary or community service. For example, if you work or volunteer at a hospice, mental health service (eg Mind), dementia or other local community service.
Client case studies: You have case studies of individual treatments with clients that you think could be of relevance to commissioners and employers. These might be treatments provided to clients with long-term conditions where you are working alongside their existing treatment plan, or where your work has had an impact on people with conditions such as obesity, depression and anxiety, dementia or pain. The case study must demonstrate outcomes measured through evaluation for example by use of Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP), Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) or similar.
If you are CNHC registered and you think your work might be suitable to be presented as a case study please send an email to with the subject line 'CNHC Case Studies', providing a brief overview of your service or individual case study (removing any client names) and why you think it is relevant.
Practitioner directories alert
CNHC has been alerted that practitioners are being approached by a company claiming to be setting up a register of complementary and alternative therapists which it says will be specifically aimed at GPs and commissioners. Practitioners should be aware that this and other similar companies are commercial organisations which charge a fee to be included on any such directory or register. These organisations are not regulators and are not part of the government's Accredited Register scheme.
You may want to listen to PSA Chief Executive Harry Cayton talk about one such organisation on an edition of BBC Radio 4's You and Yours broadcast in February 2015 (fast forward to 28min 49s).
CAMSTRAND 2015 - 10th June 2015
CAMSTRAND 2015 will be hosted at London South Bank University on Wednesday 10th June 2015. The CAMSTRAND conference is aimed at individuals and research groups who are interested in the development of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research and is designed primarily for UK doctoral and post-doctoral fellows who wish to present their protocol, project in progress or their completed project. Practitioners interested in becoming researchers are also invited to attend.
A pre-conference workshop event 'Putting Clinical Practice into Research' will be held on Tuesday 9th June. The keynote speaker will be CNHC Board member Professor George Lewith in his capacity as Professor of Health Services Research, University of Southampton.
CNHC News June 2015
New CNHC Board members
Following a very successful recruitment process, CNHC has appointed five new members of the Board, three lay members (meaning not practising or registered with CNHC for any CNHC disciplines) and two CNHC registrant members.
They are Nicola Bastin (lay), Shaun Brookhouse (registrant), John Lawrence (registrant), Laura Quartermain (lay) and Michael Watson (lay).
Click here to see full details of Board members
Camexpo registration open
CNHC will be exhibiting at Stand 1320 at this year's camexpo on 26 - 27 September at London Olympia. This is an opportunity to come and meet CNHC's team and attend our Business Clinic on Saturday 26 September from 2.00 - 2.45pm.
CNHC meeting at camexpo:
We will also be holding a meeting of registrants at this year's event on Sunday 27 September at 3.00pm. So if you would like to hear more about our work, ask questions, meet other registrants and keep up to date with the latest developments in standards and regulation in the sector, this is your chance!
If you are CNHC registered and you would like to attend this CNHC meeting, please send an email to: with 'CNHC camexpo meeting' in the subject line.
You can take advantage of the Early Bird Rate and book a ticket for £6.50 by using the priority code (CMXP498) before 1 July 2015 here: Early Bird camexpo registration for CNHC registrants
Job and volunteer roles
Make sure you check CNHC's Facebook page, Twitter feed and website for news updates plus details of job and volunteer roles for CNHC registered practitioners.
CPD Random sampling - May 2015
A reminder that CNHC's annual random sampling of insurance certificates and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) will begin on 13th May 2015. This involves CNHC asking a random sample of 5% of CNHC registrants to send us copies of their insurance certificate and CPD log. If you are selected you will be contacted direct and asked to send your completed CPD log and insurance certificate. Please do not send these documents to us unless you receive that request.
The full details of the policy and process for the sampling are set out on the link below or on our website under 'Registrants' and 'Continuing Professional Development (CPD)'. Please do read the policy because, if you are included in the sample, failure to comply could affect your registration. Policy in respect of requirement to provide copies of insurance certificate and CPD log.
For further details about CNHC's CPD policy please see our website under 'Current Registrants' or here: CNHC CPD Policy
Solving mental illness through natural means: Interview - Maureen Mulligan
Solving mental illness through natural means: Interview - Maureen Mulligan, IINM director 04/03/15 by Spotlightoneurope on Mixcloud
Irish Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
The IINM has become a new partner to ICrA, and Maureen Mulligan, Director is a member. The IINM has a radical programme for rehabilitating offenders, drug addicts and people with serious mental health problems using natural means.
This Journal article was published after a meeting at Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) Justice, Equality & Defence Committee on Wednesday 18th June.
Click here to view Journal article
Radio Interview with NorthSide Today, June 2014: Ger Leddin spoke to Maureen Mulligan Director of IINM Suicide Prevention on the issue of suicide prevention in prisons.
Click here to listen to the interview
IINM is based at Glen of Imaal, Co. Wicklow 045-404567 045-404447 087-3669547. Email | Website
CNHC News: August 2013
Consultation on Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance
CNHC is in the process of revising its Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance. This is the document that all practitioners on the CNHC register must agree to and against which complaints are considered. This is the first time the Code has been revised since CNHC was established. CNHC is carrying out a consultation exercise to ensure the Code is as robust and helpful as possible for practitioners and the public and would welcome as many views as possible on the draft document. You can find the consultation document and survey links on CNHC's website under 'CNHC News'. The closing date for the consultation is Monday 30th September 2013. CNHC recognises that the Code is a lengthy document so if you wish to comment only on particular sections please 'click' on the relevant line of the contents page.
Update on Cancer Act 1939
Following the notice in CNHC's June Snippet about the Cancer Act 1939, CNHC has produced some guidance to support practitioners who wish to advertise services for work with cancer patients. This is available on CNHC's website under Publications / Guidance Sheets. CNHC registered practitioners can download it by logging in to My CNHC - just click on 'CNHC Resources' and then 'Guidance Documents'. The Act applies to all forms of advertising, including paper, online (websites, facebook, twitter and other social media) plus the spoken word so comes into force if you are speaking to patients over the phone or in person about your therapies before they book a session. We recommend that all practitioners who mention the word 'cancer' in any form of advertising, including if patients ask you about this, check this guidance urgently.
August 2013 - First ICrA member enters the Craniosacral Register at CNHC
Our member Richard Cook has pioneered ICRA's entry into the world of verifying applicants wishing to register on the Craniosacral Register of the CNHC.
n July 2013, ICRA established a process, now approved by the CNHC, for entry to the register for those of us who do not 'tick the box' in terms of having completed one of the CSTA-approved courses since 1997. In order to be 'grand-fathered on' to the (voluntary) register, we need you to complete a form which is really not at all onerous. (It is rather more onerous if you are not a statutory registered health profession such as osteopathy or chiropractic: then 3 Case Studies are needed in addition to the form).
CNHC registration is voluntary, not mandatory, but it does bring benefits:it is a quality mark for your cranial practice; if you want to work in the NHS or with your local primary care teams, then the CNHC badging is becoming de rigeur. It is also not expensive, and shows the public that you have achieved a safe standard. The application form is in the CNHC box apposite. Anyone wanting further information, contact HQ on
July 2013: Mid Summer Workshop 2013
The review of the June 22nd workshop with Charles Bruford is now available in the Members area along with the link to "Prezi" where Charles Bruford has shared his course material.
July 2013: ASA ruling against the society of Homeopaths
Following complaints - orchestrated we understand by the Nightingale collaboration - the ASA has ruled against homeopathy's claims about evidence for specific conditions. Read about it on the ASA page.
This is nicely balanced by an article that Jerome Burn wrote just before the publicity about this, which you can find here.
Be warned! and make sure the wording of your own publicity complies with ASA's advice.
October 2012 ICrA Newsletter
Click here to download the October 2012 Newsletter (974Kb pdf)
ICrA receives bequest from Doreen Brookes
Doreen Brookes, who was the widow of our founder Denis Brookes and probably our most long-standing member, sadly passed away in August 2012 aged 89, still practicing osteopathy till 3 days before her death. We were contacted by her son Charles who informed us that Doreen wanted the ICrA to have the historic books, reels of film, notes of lectures and sundry other items collected by Doreen and Denis in their long years in practice. We are now in the process of cataloguing the items and if you would like to offer this historic archive a home, please contact us.